The Inclusive Design Lab at the University of Washington is an interdisciplinary set of researchers focusing on making the next generation of computing accessible to everyone. We employ a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods to study existing practices, create new technologies to address gaps and challenges, and evaluate those innovations. Founded in 2012 at the University of Maryland, the Inclusive Design Lab moved to UW in 2017.
A sample of current and past projects:
- Creativity tools for blind and low vision users
- Algorithms and tools to empower blind people to safeguard private visual content
- Accessible captioning and sound recognition techniques
- Closing the user-model loop for understanding topics in large document collections
- Adaptive heads up displays for simultaneous interpretation
- Scaling up mobile accessibility through touchscreen personalization
We are affiliated with:

Selected Publications
For full publication listings, please visit individual members' webpages or Google Scholar pages.
Occasionally updated.
Undergraduates Applying to Work with the Lab
Are you and undergraduate student interested in working with us? Please fill out this form.